Adam Shuster on the Park
Haruzim Neighborhood, Ramat Gan
Adam Shuster

This urban renewal “Pinui Binui” (evacuation and reconstruction) project zoned by our firm involves the demolition of three buildings and construction of two new ones in the Kharuzim neighborhood in Ramat Gan – an old neighborhood with a mixed population that includes the neighborhood’s older citizens joined by many young people and students, which for the last few years has been subject to substantial urban renewal. The project’s location is right next to HaYarkon Park, at the corner of Yoav and Itamar streets, facing Elin Park. Its architectural design is based on its environment and the sizes of the older surrounding buildings, built in the 1960s. The two new buildings, 9 stories each, shall contain 80 housing units in various combinations, sizes and shapes.
The ground floor shall house local businesses and have a transparent façade that faces the street and the park, its continuous flow becoming part of the urban texture: it “continues” the intersection of Yoav and Itamar streets, connecting it to the park and the building complex. The project’s design is modern and combines diverse and warm materials such as wood, steel, aluminum and plaster. White plaster beams between each two floors add a pretty frame to the playful combination of glass, steel and wood, while the corner balconies create an airy dimension that enhances the design language.