
קיקה ברא
הפעלת קרוסלה עצירת קרוסלה

Building Permits


אדריכלית עמיתה וראש צוות. בוגרת תואר ראשון באדריכלות ובינוי ערים מהטכניון, בעלת ניסיון רב בפרויקטים מגוונים ומורכבים בתחום המגורים ובעירוב שימושים.

אני גאה להוביל תהליכי תכנון ועיצוב אדריכלי תוך שילוב של מקצועיות, יצירתיות וניסיון רב שנים.

מאמינה כי ההצלחה בתהליך התכנון האדריכלי טמונה בעבודת צוות מגובשת, המשלבת כישורים ורעיונות שונים ליצירת תוצאות מקוריות ואיכותיות.



Chief Planner

Chief Planner

Kika Braz-Schwartz, the company’s founder, graduated in Architecture and Urban Planning (Honors) in 1985 from the Technion in Haifa. She earned her MA in Architecture, specializing in Building Design, from Colombia University, New York, USA in 1988.
Kika founded the office in 1989, having returned from four years in NY where she interned in the offices of world-renowned architect Moshe Safdi, and Frank Williams & Associates. Working there enabled her to accrue valuable experience in complex building design while coping with central issues in contemporary urbanism, including high-density construction and related issues in the world’s largest metropolises.
Kika brings a personal female perspective to her work, evident in the close attention to small details so important in home life. Apartments are not merely a technical spaces in which to live but first and foremost, a home. As such, the spaces and structures must have a family nature and address the interlinking relationships in the family, where on an everyday basis lives are conducted both individually and jointly. The various scenarios typical of everyday Israeli life funnel into Kika’s vision on planning, enabling the family to infuse the apartment with personalized identity and expression, turning it into their own unique home.

Hands to
Family members
of joy



Ethic Architecture

In our designs, aesthetics inherently derive from the building’s function and use, while using prevalent building technologies.

Authentic Israeli Architecture

We design in accordance with the Israeli climate, culture, and way of life to transform local everyday needs into esthetic elements.

Responding to the Essence of Place

Our buildings reflect the geographic, historic and cultural context in which they grow.

Planning the Urban Space

Our aim is to create dynamic public spaces that support and sustain communities within the city.

Creating a new living experience

Our designs respond to current social and urban issues and enable innovative modes of living in the city. We create dynamic public spaces that support and sustain communities within the city.

Intensive building at a human scale

We lead a new urban vision to enrich the quality of life in a rapidly densifying world.

Working with nature

We design sustainable buildings and urban environments, maximizing use of eco-friendly building materials and construction practices.